巴里·J·弗雷澤. 澳大利亞科廷科技大學執行董事. IAE國際學士院 院士(澳大利亞)


日期:2021/08/23   IAE 報導


巴里·J·弗雷澤 澳大利亞科廷科技大學執行董事. IAE國際學士院 院士

巴里弗雷澤教授 約翰科廷特聘教授

2017 年 11 月作者影響分析:超過 32,000 次引用,h-index 為 98(Google Scholar)


ARC(澳大利亞研究委員會)任命: 2010年和2012年ERA(澳大利亞卓越研究)研究評估委員會成員;1993-1995年ARC社會科學與人文學科學科小組成員


卓越研究獎: AERA 2009 年學習環境研究傑出貢獻獎;NARST 2003 年通過研究對科學教育做出傑出貢獻;AETS(科學教師教育協會)1991年度傑出科學教育工作者;傑出論文,AERA 學習環境特別興趣小組 2016;其他 20 項來自 NARST、AERA 和 AETS 的獎項。


600 萬美元的研究補助金,包括 15 份 ARC 補助金和來自其他機構的補助金


第二國際科學教育手冊(Springer Nature 2012)的共同主編,截至2017年底章節下載量超過50萬






前聯合主編:International Journal of Educational Research;南太平洋教師教育雜誌;課程研究雜誌


前/現任編委:American Educational Research Journal;教師教育雜誌;科學教學研究雜誌;科學教育;教育評價研究;科學教育研究















Barry Fraser


Author impact analysis in November 2017: Over 32,000 citations and h-index of 98 (Google Scholar)


ARC (Australian Research Council) appointments: Member of ERA (Excellence in Research in Australia) Research Evaluation Committee in 2010 and 2012; Member of ARC Discipline Panel for Social Sciences & Humanities in 1993–1995


Research excellence awards: AERA Distinguished Contributions to Learning Environments Research 2009; NARST Distinguished Contributions to Science Education through Research 2003; AETS (Association for Education of Teachers of Science) Outstanding Science Educator of Year 1991; Outstanding Paper, AERA Special Interest Group on Learning Environments 2016; 20 other awards from NARST, AERA and AETS.


Research grants of $6 million including 15 ARC grants and grants from other agencies


Co-editor of Second International Handbook of Science Education (Springer Nature 2012) which had over 0.5 million chapter downloads by the end of 2017


Current Foundation Editor-in-Chief of Learning Environments Research: An International Journal published by Springer Nature since 1998


Current Foundation Co-Editor of Advances in Learning Environments Research book series published by Sense Publishers


Previous Co-Editor: International Journal of Educational Research; South Pacific Journal of Teacher Education; Journal of Curriculum Studies


Past/Current editorial board member: American Educational Research Journal; Journal of Teacher Education; Journal of Research in Science Teaching; Science Education; Studies in Educational Evaluation; Research in Science Educatio


Post Nominals

FAAS, FIAE, FASSA, FTSE, FAERA, FACE. PhD (Monash University)


Employment History

Victorian Education Department


Monash University


Macquarie University (1976-1981)


Curtin University (1982-) with positions including Head,School of Curriculum Studies, Director, Science and Mathematics Education Centre, Director, national Kay Centre for School Science and Mathematics, and Dean of Graduate Studies for Faculty of Science and Engineering


Barry J. Fraser

John Curtin 特聘教授,澳大利亞珀斯科廷大學





在墨爾本擔任中學科學和數學老師一段時間後,我的第一個大學任命是在墨爾本的莫納什大學和悉尼的麥考瑞大學。1982 年,我搬到了珀斯的科廷大學,至今仍在那里工作。


我一直是 100 多個成功完成博士學位的主要導師/顧問。我的 h-index 大約為 100(Google Scholar)。



美國科學促進會 (AAAS)、美國教育研究協會 (AERA)、澳大利亞社會科學院 (ASSA)、澳大利亞教育學院 (ACE)、技術科學與工程院 (ATSE)、國際科學院院士、國際學士院 (IAE)院士

全國科學教學研究協會主席 (NARST; 1995–1996)




莫納什大學 1976



Fraser, BJ, Tobin, KG, & McRobbie, CJ (Eds.)。(2012)。第二國際科學教育手冊。紐約:斯普林格自然。


Zandvliet, DB, & Fraser, BJ (Eds.)。(即將推出)。三十年學習環境研究:回顧與展望。鹿特丹:Sense 出版社。




《學習環境研究進展》系列叢書的共同編輯。鹿特丹:Sense 出版社。


Barry J. Fraser

John Curtin Distinguished Professor, Curtin University, Perth, Australia


Research Interests

Main research interests: Science education; learning environments; educational evaluation


After a period as a secondary-school science and mathematics teacher in Melbourne, my first university appointments were at Monash University in Melbourne and Macquarie University in Sydney. In 1982, I moved to Curtin University in Perth where I still work today.


I have been the main supervisor/advisor for over 100 successfully-completed doctorates. My h-index is approximately 100 (Google Scholar).



Fellow, American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS), American Educational Research Association (AERA), Academy of Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA), Australian College of Educators (ACE), Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE), International Academy of Education (IAE)

President, National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST; 1995–1996)

Positions at Curtin University at various times: Head of School of Curriculum Studies; Dean of Graduate Studies for Faculty of Science and Engineering; Director of Science and Mathematics Education Centre; Director of national Key Centre for School Science and Mathematics


Monash, University 1976


Selected Publications and Editorial Roles

Fraser, B. J., Tobin, K. G., & McRobbie, C. J. (Eds.). (2012). Second international handbook of science education. New York: Springer Nature.


Zandvliet, D. B., & Fraser, B. J. (Eds.). (forthcoming). Thirty years of learning environments research: Looking back and looking forward. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.


Editor-in-Chief, Learning Environments Research: An International Journal. Springer Nature.


Co-editor, Advances in Learning Environments Research book series. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.