赫伯特·J·沃爾伯格.美國伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校副校長. IAE國際學士院院士(美國)


日期:2021/08/23   IAE

















Herbert J. Walberg 是胡佛研究所的傑出訪問學者,是伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校的大學學者。1999 年至 2013 年,沃爾伯格是 K-12 教育 Koret 工作組的成員。他的研究重點是教育生產力和人類成就。


沃爾伯格被確認為國家教育科學委員會成員,他與另外兩名 Koret 工作組成員一起監督美國教育部的研究部門;他還曾在國家評估管理委員會任職。Walberg 還是 Heartland Institute 的董事會主席,Heartland Institute 是一個獨立的非營利研究中心,總部位於芝加哥,為國家和州政府以及記者提供政策分析。Walberg 於 1993 年加入董事會,並自 1995 年起擔任董事長。


沃爾伯格撰寫或編輯了 70 多本書,其中包括與胡佛研究所傑出訪問學者和 Koret 工作組成員 Chester Finn 合作的激進教育改革。沃爾伯格還撰寫了大約 350 篇關於學習、教學和教學效果的原因和影響、國家成就比較以及教育測量和評估等主題的文章。他的文章發表在廣泛流通的期刊上,包括代達羅斯、教育領導、卡潘和自然,以及芝加哥論壇報、華爾街日報和華盛頓郵報等報紙。. 他最近的一本書是測試、測試和真正的學校改革(胡佛研究所出版社,2011 年)。






Walberg 在芝加哥大學獲得了教育心理學博士學位。


Herbert J. Walberg

Distinguished Visiting Fellow


Herbert J. Walberg, a distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution, is a University Scholar at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Walberg was a member of the Koret Task Force on K–12 Education from 1999 to 2013. His research focuses on educational productivity and human accomplishments.


Walberg, who was confirmed as a member of the National Board for Education Sciences, joined two other Koret Task Force members in overseeing the research arm of the US Department of Education; he also served on the National Assessment Governing Board. Walberg is also chairman of the board of directors of the Heartland Institute, an independent, nonprofit research center headquartered in Chicago that provides policy analysis to national and state governments and journalists. Walberg joined the board of directors in 1993 and has served as its chairman since 1995.


Walberg has written or edited more than seventy books, including Radical Education Reforms with Chester Finn, a Hoover Institution distinguished visiting fellow and Koret Task Force member. Walberg has also written approximately 350 articles on such topics as the causes and effects of learning, teaching and instructional effectiveness, national comparisons of achievement, and educational measurement and evaluation. His articles have appeared in widely circulated journals, including Daedalus, Educational Leadership, Kappan, and Nature, and in such newspapers as the Chicago Tribune, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. His most recent book is Tests, Testing, and Genuine School Reform (Hoover Institution Press, 2011).


Walberg was elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Royal Statistical Society (London), the American Psychological Association, and the Australian Association for Educational Research. Additionally, he was a fellow member of the International Academy of Education.


Walberg has held research posts at the Educational Testing Service and the University of Wisconsin and has taught at Harvard University. He has been frequently called to testify before US congressional committees and federal courts on educational matters.


Walberg earned his PhD in educational psychology from the University of Chicago.