J. Douglas Willms.美國史坦福大學博士.IAE國際學士院前主席


日期:2021/09/07   IAE

J. Douglas Willms

The Learning Bar 總裁

J. Douglas Willms是 The Learning Bar Inc. 的創始人和總裁。他是美國國際學士院的成員,國際學士院的前任主席和英國皇家學會的會員加拿大。從 1995 年到 2018 年,Willms 是新不倫瑞克大學的教育學教授,在那裡他擔任了八年加拿大人類發展高級研究所主席,十四年擔任加拿大一級研究主席在掃盲和人類發展。


威爾姆斯從畢業加拿大皇家軍事學院,1972年與工程學士。在工程物理專業,在加拿大武裝部隊短暫擔任軍官後,他從事教育事業。他獲得教師資格證特殊教育(1975年)和MA在教育心理學從(1978年),加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學。[4]他隨後在小學、中學和大學任教,然後在史坦福大學繼續研究生培訓,在那裡他獲得了碩士學位。統計學博士(1980 年)、項目評估教育專家學位(1981 年)和博士學位。在教育(1983 年)。從 1983 年到 1995 年,他在愛丁堡大學擔任多個職位,1988 年成為名譽高級研究員,1993 年在不列顛哥倫比亞大學成為教授。在他的整個職業生涯中,威爾姆斯一直是在世界銀行, OECD,聯合國教科文組織,美洲開發銀行和加拿大統計局。[11]2004 年,威爾姆斯與他人共同創立了 The Learning Bar Inc.,旨在將他對兒童發展和評估的研究付諸實踐。該公司在其加拿大和澳大利亞辦事處擁有 70 多名員工,在全球多個國家提供研究和評估服務。該公司的旗艦產品是早期評估、自信學習者和 OurSCHOOL/Tell Them From Me 學校調查套件。



J. Douglas Willms 博士是美國國際學士院的成員,加拿大皇家學會國際教育學院院士的前任主席。從 1995 年到 2018 年,Willms 博士是新不倫瑞克大學的教育學教授,在那裡他擔任了八年加拿大人類發展高級研究所主席,十四年擔任加拿大掃盲和人類研究主席發展。他是 The Learning Bar 的總裁,這是一家提供基於研究的工具和培訓以提高兒童和青少年生活機會的國際公司。


Willms 博士發表了 200 多篇研究文章和專著,涉及青年掃盲、兒童健康、學校教育系統的問責制和國家改革評估。他在製定加拿大全國兒童和青年縱向調查 (NLSCY) 和經合組織的國際學生評估計劃 (PISA) 方面發揮了主導作用。他和他的同事設計了早期評估 (EYE),一種直接評估 3 至 6 歲兒童發展技能的工具,以及 OurSchool,一種持續監測學生參與度和幸福感的評估系統。Willms 博士是設計 PISA for Development 情境問卷的首席研究員,一項針對中低收入國家的倡議,旨在跟踪 2015 年後聯合國框架中的國際教育目標。他的研究團隊還與 30 所原住民學校的學校領導合作,設計和實施“自信學習者”,這是一項基於掃盲科學和教學實踐的全校和全社區掃盲計劃。



美國國際學士院 (NAEd) 當選成員




加拿大政策研究秘書處獎 - 傑出研究貢獻










Willms, JD (Ed.)。(2002)。弱勢兒童:加拿大全國兒童和青年縱向調查的結果。  埃德蒙頓,AB:阿爾伯塔大學出版社。


威爾姆斯,JD(2003 年)。  學生在學校的參與度:歸屬感和參與感。  巴黎:經濟合作與發展組織。


威爾姆斯,JD(2006 年)。學習鴻溝:關於學校和學校教育系統的績效和公平的十個政策問題。為教科文組織統計研究所編寫的報告。


威爾姆斯,JD(2010 年)。學校構成和對學生成績的背景影響。師範學院記錄,112(4),1008-1037。


Tramonte, L. & Willms, JD (2010)。文化資本及其對教育成果的影響。教育經濟學評論,29(2),200-213。


J. Douglas Willms is the Founder and President of The Learning Bar Inc. He is a member of the US National Academy of Education, Past-President of the International Academy of Education and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.From 1995 to 2018, Willms was Professor of Education at the University of New Brunswick,[4] where for eight years he held the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Chair in Human Development and for fourteen years held the Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Literacy and Human Development.


Willms graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada in 1972 with a B.Eng. in Engineering Physics, and after a brief career as an officer in the Canadian Armed Forces he pursued a career in education. He received a teaching certificate in Special Education (1975) and an M.A. in Educational Psychology (1978) from the University of British Columbia. He subsequently taught at the elementary, secondary and university levels before pursuing further graduate training at Stanford University, where he received an M.Sc. in Statistics (1980), an Educational Specialist degree in Program Evaluation (1981), and a Ph.D. in Education (1983). From 1983 to 1995 he held various positions at the University of Edinburgh, where he became an Honorary Senior Research Fellow in 1988, and at the University of British Columbia where he became Professor in 1993. Throughout his career, Willms has been a regular consultant with the World Bank,[6][7] OECD,[8][9] UNESCO,[10] Inter-American Development Bank and Statistics Canada.[11] In 2004, Willms co-founded The Learning Bar Inc., with the aim of bringing his research on children's development and assessment into widespread practice. The company employs over 70 staff in its Canadian and Australian offices, providing research and assessment services in several countries worldwide. The company's flagship products are the Early Years Evaluation, Confident Learners, and the OurSCHOOL / Tell Them From Me suite of school surveys.


Research Interest

Dr. J. Douglas Willms is a member of the US National Academy of Education, Past-President of the International Academy of Education Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. From 1995 to 2018, Dr. Willms was Professor of Education at the University of New Brunswick, where for eight years he held the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Chair in Human Development and for fourteen years held the Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Literacy and Human Development. He is the President of The Learning Bar, an international company that provides research-based tools and training for enhancing the life chances of children and youth.


Dr. Willms has published over two hundred research articles and monographs pertaining to youth literacy, children’s health, the accountability of schooling systems, and the assessment of national reforms. He played lead roles in developing Canada’s National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) and the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). He and his colleagues designed the Early Years Evaluation (EYE), an instrument for the direct assessment of children’s developmental skills at ages 3 to 6, and OurSchool, an evaluation system for the continuous monitoring of student engagement and well-being. Dr. Willms is the lead researcher in designing the contextual questionnaires for PISA for Development, an initiative for low- and middle-income countries aimed at tracking international educational targets in the post-2015 UN framework. His research team is also working with school leaders in 30 First Nations schools in the design and implementation of Confident Learners, a whole-school and whole-community literacy program based on the science of literacy and instructional practice.


Recent Positions and honors

Elected Member, U.S. National Academy of Education (NAEd)


Fellow, Royal Society of Canada: Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada


Canadian Policy Research Secretariat Award - Outstanding Research Contribution


CEA-Whitworth Award for Educational Research


Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Award



Stanford, 1983



Willms, J. D. (Ed.). (2002). Vulnerable Children: Findings from Canada’s National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth.  Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta Press.


Willms, J. D. (2003).  Student engagement at school: A sense of belonging and participation.  Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.


Willms, J. D. (2006). Learning Divides: Ten Policy Questions about the Performance and Equity of Schools and Schooling Systems. Report prepared for UNESCO Institute for Statistics.


Willms, J. D. (2010). School Composition and Contextual Effects on Student Outcomes. Teachers College Record, 112(4), 1008-1037.


Tramonte, L. & Willms, J. D. (2010). Cultural capital and its effects on education outcomes. Economics of Education Review, 29(2), 200-213.