艾倫 H. 舍恩菲爾德加利福尼亞大學數學教授.IAE國際學士院院士


日期:2021/08/27   IAE

艾倫 H. 舍恩菲爾德

艾倫·亨利·肖恩菲爾德(Alan Henry Schoenfeld)是美國數學教育的研究者和設計師。他是加利福尼亞大學伯克利分校的伊麗莎白和愛德華·康納教育教授,兼任數學教授。

Alan Schoenfeld 是加州大學伯克利分校的伊麗莎白和愛德華康納教育學教授和數學附屬教授。他是美國科學促進會和美國教育研究協會 (AERA) 的研究員,並曾擔任 AERA 主席和美國國家教育學院副院長。



Alan Schoenfeld 的研究側重於思考、教學和學習問題。他的長期目標是了解強大學習環境的本質,並支持教師創造這些環境。


Schoenfeld 的早期工作側重於發展數學思維和解決問題的理論以及影響它們的因素,包括元認知、信念系統和評估。然後,他轉向對決策過程進行建模,重點是教師在教學過程中如何以及為何做出選擇。這導致了對穩健學習環境的研究和穩健理解教學框架的創建,這是他目前的研究重點。



1998年美國教育研究協會主席;2001年任美國國家教育學院副院長;美國科學促進會會士,2001;2006 年 Kappa Delta Pi 獲獎者。


Felix Klein 終身成就獎章,國際數學教學委員會,2011 年;教育研究傑出貢獻獎,美國教育研究協會,2013;Mary P. Dolciani 獎,美國數學協會,2014;紐約市立大學皇后學院榮譽理學博士,2018 年。



舍恩菲爾德,AH (1985)。數學解題。佛羅里達州奧蘭多:學術出版社。


Burkhardt, H., & Schoenfeld, AH (2003)。改進教育研究:走向更有用、更有影響力和資金更充足的企業。教育研究員 32(9), 3-14。


Schoenfeld, AH (Ed.) (2007)。評估數學能力。劍橋:劍橋大學出版社。


Schoenfeld, AH (2010) 我們如何思考:目標導向決策理論及其教育應用。紐約:勞特利奇。


舍恩費爾德,AH(2019 年)。重構教師知識:研究和發展議程。ZDM (52), 359–376。

Alan H. Schoenfeld

Alan Schoenfeld is the Elizabeth and Edward Conner Professor of Education and Affiliated Professor of Mathematics at the University of California at Berkeley. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and has served as President of AERA and vice President of the National Academy of Education.

Bio and Research Interests

Alan Schoenfeld’s research focuses on issues of thinking, teaching, and learning. His long-term goal has been to understand the nature of powerful learning environments and to support teachers in creating them.

Schoenfeld’s early work focused on developing theories of mathematical thinking and problem solving and factors that affect them, including metacognition, belief systems, and assessment. He then turned to modeling the decision-making process, with an emphasis on how and why teachers make the choices they do during instruction. This led to studies of robust learning environments and the creation of the Teaching for Robust Understanding Framework, his current research focus.

Selected Honors and Positions

President of the American Educational research Association, 1998; Vice President of the US National Academy of Education, 2001; Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2001; Laureate of Kappa Delta Pi, 2006.

Felix Klein Medal for lifetime achievement, International Commission on Mathematics Instruction, 2011; Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award, American Educational Research Association, 2013; Mary P. Dolciani Award, Mathematical Association of America, 2014; Doctor of science honoris causa, Queens College of the City University of New York, 2018.

Selected Publications

Schoenfeld, A. H. (1985). Mathematical problem solving. Orlando, FL: Academic Press.

Burkhardt, H., & Schoenfeld, A. H. (2003). Improving educational research: toward a more useful, more influential, and better funded enterprise. Educational Researcher 32(9), 3-14.

Schoenfeld, A. H. (Ed.) (2007). Assessing mathematical proficiency. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Schoenfeld, A. H. (2010) How we think: A theory of goal-oriented decision making and its educational applications. New York: Routledge.

Schoenfeld, A. H. (2019). Reframing teacher knowledge: A research and development agenda. ZDM (52), 359–376.