

日期:2021/12/14   IA

UNESCO IBE launches open-access book on “Curriculum and Learning for Climate Action”  (IAE 共融合作聯合國教科文組織國際教育局推出關於“氣候行動課程和學習”的開放獲取書籍)

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我們氣候未來的成敗取決於人們的想法,也掌握在我們的手中。在格拉斯哥舉行的 2021 年聯合國氣候變化大會(COP 26)上,聯合國教科文組織呼籲加強全球對氣候教育的承諾,並加強對各國將氣候變化納入其教育系統的支持。為了避免氣候災難,我們需要迅速、變革性和持續的行動以及我們思維的重大轉變——這種轉變足以使氣候危機成為我們社會、政治、經濟、個人和教育生活的中心。

這也是《氣候行動課程和學習:邁向 SDG 4.7 系統變革路線圖》的關鍵信息,這是一本新的 IBE 書籍,剛剛在 IBE 課程、學習和評估系列中出版。這本書由 Radhika Iyengar(地球研究所,哥倫比亞大學可持續發展中心)和 Christina T. Kwauk(布魯金斯學會)共同編輯。

基於 44 位作者(包括聯合國教科文組織可持續發展教育部門的同事)的貢獻,《氣候行動課程與學習》是比較教育中最好的記分卡之一,可以跟踪這場戲劇的發展,揭示全球氣候危機不像今天的其他教育寫作。它轉向我們的課程、我們的教育系統和我們的社區,以回應如何有效實現聯合國可持續發展目標 (SDG)、普及可持續發展教育 (ESD) 和全球公民教育 (GCED) 的目標 4.7。來自主要利益相關者(包括學生、教育工作者和民間社會領袖)的信息以熱情和異常清晰的方式帶回家:我們可以而且必須通過將氣候行動納入世界大流行的複蘇來避免最嚴重的氣候變化。

免費註冊由美國哥倫比亞大學可持續發展中心主辦的新書發布會(2021 年 11 月 12 日、11 月 19 日和 12 月 3 日):


The success or failure of our climate future lies in people’s minds and is in our hands. At the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 26) in Glasgow, UNESCO called for enhancing global commitment to climate education and reinforced its support to countries to incorporate climate change into their education systems. To avoid a climate disaster, we need rapid, transformative and sustained action and a major shift in our thinking – a shift strong enough to make the climate crisis a center of our social, political, economic, personal, and educational life.

This is also the key message of Curriculum and Learning for Climate Action: Toward an SDG 4.7 Roadmap for Systems Change, a new IBE book that was just published in the IBE on Curriculum, Learning, and Assessment series. The book was co-edited by Radhika Iyengar (Earth Institute,Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University) and Christina T. Kwauk (The Brookings Institution).

Based on contributions from 44 authors (including colleagues from UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development section), Curriculum and Learning for Climate Action is one of the best scorecards in comparative education for keeping track of this drama as it unfolds, shedding light on the global climate crisis like no other education writing today. It turns to our curricula, our education systems, and our communities for a response on how to effectively achieve Target 4.7 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Universal Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and Global Citizenship Education (GCED). The message from key stakeholders, including students, educators, and leaders of civil society, is driven home with passion and uncommon clarity: We can and must stave off the worst of climate change by building climate action into the world’s pandemic recovery. 
Download the bookhttps://brill.com/view/title/60973

Free registration for the book launch hosted by the Center for Sustainable Development of Columbia University, USA (12 November, 19 November, and 3 December 2021): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/book-launch-series-curriculum-and-learning-for-climate-action-tickets-203408850347