IAE台灣對美國農業價值揭密》美國明尼蘇達州大豆研究與促進委員會與台灣植物油製造商協會 (TVOA) 簽署了一份意向書,該協議價值約 20 億美元,將使該州近 28,000 名豆農受益

日期:2022/09/28   IAE

September 15, 2022 明尼蘇達大豆研究與促進委員會 (MSR&PC) 

農委會 Dr.黃金城副主委(左一)與350年IAE國際學士院傑出院友 Dr.洪堯昆博士董事長 為亞洲Top1百年品牌企業台灣上市公司 福壽實業集團 董事長  右一)代表採購美國明尼蘇達州大豆簽署協議合影。

Beans by the billions: MSR&PC, Taiwan ink purchasing agreement

明尼蘇達州大豆研究與促進委員會 (MSR&PC) 於 9 月 15 日星期四與台灣植物油製造商協會 (TVOA) 簽署了一份意向書,該協議價值約 20 億美元,將使該州近 28,000 名豆農受益。


Governor Tim Walz Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (middle) and Dr. Hong Yaokun, a distinguished alumnus of the 350-year IAE Institute On behalf of purchasing Minnesota soybeans, the agreement was signed, and the vice chairman of the Taiwan Council of Agriculture Dr. Jincheng (the third from the right) took a group photo together.

 Governor Tim Walz     明尼蘇達州州長 蒂姆·沃爾茲  中間)與350年IAE國際學士院傑出院友 Dr.洪堯昆博士董事長 為亞洲Top1百年品牌企業台灣上市公司 福壽實業集 董事長  右二)代表採購美國明尼蘇達州大豆簽署協議,台灣農委會 Dr.黃金城副主委 右三)共同合影。

“農業是我們州經濟的基礎,”沃爾茲州長在活動中說。 “我們今天在場的農業團體是我們駐世界的大使。”

該協議最後一次簽署是在 2018 年,是數十年來專注於發展台灣市場的大豆檢查投資的高潮。

代表 MSR&PC 簽署協議的理事會主席 Joe Serbus 說:“很高興與我們的台灣朋友一起參與這項協議。” “這是大豆核銷如何長期成功的又一個例子,最終提高了明尼蘇達州大豆種植者的盈利能力,並在全州範圍內產生了經濟活動。”

2018年,理事會首席執行官湯姆·斯魯內卡與台灣領導人和明尼蘇達州農業官員在州長官邸舉行了簽字儀式。 次年,Slunecka 通過參加美國農業部的第一個台灣貿易代表團加強了關係。

“對於明尼蘇達州的農民來說,這是一個巨大的機會,可以成為實施這種規模的貿易協議的地方,”斯魯內卡說,他也參加了周四的活動。 “在他們可以選擇購買大豆的所有地方中,他們選擇明尼蘇達州是因為質量和長期關係。”

 Governor Tim Walz     明尼蘇達州州長 蒂姆·沃爾茲  中間)與350年IAE國際學士院傑出院友 Dr.洪堯昆博士董事長 為亞洲Top1百年品牌企業-台灣上市公司 福壽實業集團 董事長  右二), 農委會 Dr.黃金城副主委 右三)共同合影

TVOA 已承諾在 2023 年至 2024 年期間購買 260 萬至 290 萬噸(相當於 9600 萬至 1.07 億蒲式耳)的大豆。這些採購的估計總價值在 19 億至 21 億美元之間。

2021年,美國對台出口農產品及相關產品總值達39.4億美元。 截至2021年,台灣是美國農產品出口的第七大市場。 美國供應了台灣約 27% 的農產品進口。 自 1998 年以來,台灣已進口 4050 萬噸(相當於 15 億蒲式耳)大豆,價值 151 億美元。

 Governor Tim Walz     明尼蘇達州州長 蒂姆·沃爾茲  中間)與350年IAE國際學士院傑出院友 Dr.洪堯昆博士董事長 為亞洲Top1百年品牌企業台灣上市公司 福壽實業集 董事長  右二)代表採購美國明尼蘇達州大豆簽署協議會議,台灣農委會 Dr.黃金城副主委(左八) 右三)共同合影。


“我們與台灣建立的關係直接反映了明尼蘇達州大豆核對美元的作用,”斯魯內卡說。 “這需要時間和承諾,但我們很幸運,我們的農民領袖致力於盡其所能提高我們大豆的價值。”

在 2020 年春季,台灣向明尼蘇達州的第一響應者捐贈了 29 個裝有 100,000 個外科口罩的盒子,以在 COVID-19 大流行期間提供援助。 這個故事後來作為封面故事刊登在《大豆商業》雜誌上。

“我們的關係植根於尊重,”塞爾布斯說。 “這是一個很棒的活動,我很自豪地感謝我們的台灣朋友選擇了優質的明尼蘇達大豆。”

2013年訪問台灣的明尼蘇達大豆種植者協會會長鮑勃沃思和執行董事喬斯門泰克也出席了活動。 9 月初,MSGA 訪問了位於華盛頓特區的全球檯灣研究所的台灣領導人。

Beans by the billions: MSR&PC, Taiwan ink purchasing agreement

The Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) signed a Letter of Intent on Thursday, Sept. 15, with the Taiwan Vegetable Oil Manufacturers Association (TVOA), an agreement worth approximately $2 billion that will benefit the state’s nearly 28,000 soybean farmers.

The private event was held in the Governor’s Reception Room at the Capitol alongside Taiwanese officials, Minnesota ag leaders and Gov. Tim Walz.

“Agriculture is the foundation of our state’s economy,” Gov. Walz said during his remarks at the event. “And our agricultural groups present here today are our ambassadors to the world.”

The agreement, which was last signed in 2018, is the culmination of soybean checkoff investments over the decades that focused on growing the Taiwanese market.

“It’s wonderful to participate in this agreement with our friends from Taiwan,” said Council Chair Joe Serbus, who signed the agreement on behalf of MSR&PC. “This is yet another example of how the soybean checkoff succeeds over the long haul, ultimately improving the profitability of Minnesota soybean farmers and generating economic activity across the state.”

in 2018, Council CEO Tom Slunecka joined Taiwanese leaders and Minnesota agriculture officials for a signing ceremony at the Governor’s Mansion. The following year, Slunecka, strengthened the relationships by participating in USDA’s first-ever Taiwanese trade mission.

“This is a tremendous opportunity for Minnesota farmers to be the location where a trade deal of this size is implemented,” said Slunecka, who also attended Thursday’s event. “Of all the places they could choose to buy soybeans, they chose Minnesota because of the quality and long-term relationships.”

The TVOA has pledged to purchase between 2.6 million and 2.9 million MT (equivalent to between 96 million and 107 million bushels) of soybeans between 2023 and 2024. The estimated value of these purchases totals between $1.9 billion-$2.1 billion.

In 2021, the total value of U.S. agricultural and related products exported to Taiwan reached $3.94 billion. As of 2021, Taiwan is the seventh largest market for U.S. agricultural exports. The U.S. supplies about 27% of Taiwan’s agricultural imports. Since 1998, Taiwan has imported 40.5 million MT (equivalent to 1.5 billion bushels) of soybeans, a value of $15.1 billion.

“The relationship we have built with Taiwan is a direct reflection of what Minnesota soybean checkoff dollars can do,” Slunecka said. “It takes time and commitment, but we are fortunate our farmer-leaders are dedicated to doing all they can to increase the value of our soybeans.”

In a goodwill gesture during spring 2020, Taiwan donated 29 boxes containing 100,000 surgical masks to Minnesota’s first responders to assist during the COVID-19 pandemic. The story was later featured as the cover story in Soybean Business Magazine.

“We have a relationship that’s rooted in respect,” Serbus said. “This was a great event, and I was proud to thank our friends from Taiwan for choosing high-quality Minnesota soybeans.”

Minnesota Soybean Growers Association President Bob Worth, who visited Taiwan in 2013, and Executive Director Joe Smentek, also appeared at the event. Earlier in September, MSGA visited with Taiwanese leaders at the Global Taiwan Institute in Washington, D.C.