日期:2023/12/06   IAE

2023年12月2日  #COP28 #ClimateChange #NuclearPower
The COP28 climate talks are taking place in Dubai, with an appeal to revive a source of energy that's been out of favor in many nations for decades.
US climate envoy John Kerry and French president Emmanuel Macron have spoken out in support of more atomic power as a source of emissions-free energy. France and the US were among more than 20 nations calling for a tripling of nuclear generating capacity by 2050. And in a further effort to limit global warming, German chancellor Olaf Scholz said the world needs much more renewable energy, while handling fossil fuels more responsibly. 

2023年12月2日 #COP28 #ClimateChange #NuclearPower
COP28 氣候談判正在杜拜舉行,呼籲重振數十年來在許多國家失寵的能源。
美國氣候特使約翰·克里和法國總統伊曼紐·馬克宏公開表示支持更多的原子能作為無排放能源。 法國和美國等20 多個國家呼籲到2050 年將核能發電量增加兩倍。為了進一步限制全球暖化,德國總理奧拉夫‧肖爾茨(Olaf Scholz) 表示,世界需要更多的再生能源,同時更負責任地處理化石燃料。